As I said in my previous entry "It doesn't seem fair", I was going to expound on the 7 things the Psalmist discovered in Psalm 73. But seeing this is my blog, I guess I don't have to follow any rules, so I want to start with the 5th one. This is the one that's closest to my heart at the moment. I'll get back to the other ones later.
"Whom have I in heaven but You? And I have no delight or desire on earth besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever." (Psalm 73:25-26, Amp)
"The Lord is my chosen and assigned portion , my cup; You hold and maintain my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good heritage." (Psalm 16:5-6, Amp)
As I look at the area where I live, the scenes, the wildlife, the flowers, the bugs in my garden, I am so overwhelmed by how much I'm blessed!! I might not have heaps of material stuff, and I don't desire much of that, but the things that God puts before me to feast my eyes on are so breathtaking. I look at this scene of the Manning Valley, for instance! In a literal sense, I don't own an inch of that land... but yet God has given me all this to look at, and to photograph.
And everyday, I go out to sit on the front verandah, and I'm greeted by my lorikeet friends... sometimes two, sometimes four or six... or more!! Not to mention the other birds that come as well!! It truly is amazing... and I feel so RICH!!
And why has God blessed me with this? It's so I can share it with others.
And He has also given me His Son, Jesus, who has enriched my life beyond measure... even so much more than anything my eyes can behold. His love is so astounding, that I must share it with others.
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1, NKJ)
"The Lord is my chosen and assigned portion , my cup; You hold and maintain my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good heritage." (Psalm 16:5-6, Amp)
As I look at the area where I live, the scenes, the wildlife, the flowers, the bugs in my garden, I am so overwhelmed by how much I'm blessed!! I might not have heaps of material stuff, and I don't desire much of that, but the things that God puts before me to feast my eyes on are so breathtaking. I look at this scene of the Manning Valley, for instance! In a literal sense, I don't own an inch of that land... but yet God has given me all this to look at, and to photograph.
And everyday, I go out to sit on the front verandah, and I'm greeted by my lorikeet friends... sometimes two, sometimes four or six... or more!! Not to mention the other birds that come as well!! It truly is amazing... and I feel so RICH!!
And why has God blessed me with this? It's so I can share it with others.
And He has also given me His Son, Jesus, who has enriched my life beyond measure... even so much more than anything my eyes can behold. His love is so astounding, that I must share it with others.
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1, NKJ)
"seeing this is my blog, I guess I don't have to follow any rules, so I want to start with the 5th one."
Amen! Sister.
Indeed, He gave life through His Son so that we would tell of Him.
Oh yeah...
You were talking about our inheritance. I think that is a reality we really have a hard time grasping. We ARE God's children... we aren't bugs or rocks or just somethings that he has made. We are his CHILDREN. All that God possesses - the sun, the moon and the stars - are OURS!
So often I think of God as this distant power, something just so completely OTHER. It is hard for me to see that we are really CONNECTED, that there is a bond between us just as strong and real as the bond between a mother and her child. We are not some great cosmic lab project of God's, we are not just some creatures crawling around on this little planet this cosmic almighty power has a passing interest in - we are God's KIDS. And he LOVES us - everything he made, he made for US. He made it all - the universe - to give to us one day.
If we could just truly see that!!!!
It really changes everything!!!!
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