Sunday, November 26, 2006

The World Through My Eyes!

I'm finding is amazing how differently we all can see our world. And as the saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," is SO true. As I've browsed through Flickr, this has become so evident.

So I just want share how I see the wonderful world our Creator has made. I'd love to hear, too, how you see God's world.

What I find most beautiful are the little things. I love detail!! I think I put that down to being short sighted, seeing well close up, and without glasses the rest of the world is a bit of a blur. I do thank the Lord for glasses, so I can see the rest of the world... quite clearly. However, I think the Lord has programmed me to look for detail, which means I LOVE macro!! I love to see the ends of the antennas of a butterfly, and the tiny feet of a ladybeetle. It reminds me of how interested our God is in the minutest of things... and that He sees and cares about every detail of our lives.

The other thing I love is COLOUR!! (Pardon the spelling, my American friends, but we use the "U" down here... part our the British heritage!) Take, for instance, the beautiful Rainbow Lorikeets that visit my place everyday! (See previous posts!) To me, colour represents fullness of life. It is light at all spectrum. I guess colour is the thing I see first, and draws me to look closer.

The third thing I love is funny things, that put a smile on your face and make you laugh! I'm always on the lookout to spot those amusing incidents. Like sharing lunch with pelicans, lizards with blue tongue, smiling frogs, and laughing kookaburras. Our God is SO neat to gives us all these things to make us smile! Without them life would be pretty dull.

So that is the world as I see it... the things that I love. What do your eyes see?? I'd love to know what the world is like through your eyes!

Feel free to add your comments.... please!!


John Daharsh said...

Jeanette, it is a joy to find your blog here. You commented on one of my photos, which led me to look at your profile on Flickr, which led me here!

I think my peronal intersection with your post is color - er colour. I'm in love recently with the sunsets here in Colorado (USA!)

I think for me what impacts me most is beauty - which I know immediately opens the proverbial can of worms with "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

There is something for me, though - in nature and in people that grasps me when I see it. Increasingly I feel overwhelmed by the subject, to the point that I am compelled to give it my feeble best to portray some piece or it - to share the brilliance I bear witness to with whoever would happen to come across something I photograph of paint.

Thanks for your comment and for this nice surpise (your blog post)

Best regards from Up-Over (is that the opposite of down-under?)

Anonymous said...

Living in the USA, I tend to get telescope vision. It is awesome to realize that God's glory is EVERYWHERE!!

I look forward to getting to know life "down under".

G'day, mate.

Jeanetteb1 said...

Hey, John and Scott,

What a pleasant surprise to find your comments. I thought I had my blog set up so as to send a message to my email when someone had posted comments, so I assumed no one had commented.

But, amazingly, someone has!!

Firstly, thank you, John! And so I can get the connection right, what is your flickr name? And so I can check out your photos to connect what you say to what you see. And hey, I love what you say, my friend from "up-over".

And thanks, Scott, for your kind comments, and I'd love to connect you with your flickr name too!.. unless of course you want to remain anonymous!

Cheers and blessings to you both!

Surely, our God IS good!